590 research outputs found

    Optimal Content Downloading in Vehicular Networks

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    We consider a system where users aboard communication-enabled vehicles are interested in downloading different contents from Internet-based servers. This scenario captures many of the infotainment services that vehicular communication is envisioned to enable, including news reporting, navigation maps and software updating, or multimedia file downloading. In this paper, we outline the performance limits of such a vehicular content downloading system by modelling the downloading process as an optimization problem, and maximizing the overall system throughput. Our approach allows us to investigate the impact of different factors, such as the roadside infrastructure deployment, the vehicle-to-vehicle relaying, and the penetration rate of the communication technology, even in presence of large instances of the problem. Results highlight the existence of two operational regimes at different penetration rates and the importance of an efficient, yet 2-hop constrained, vehicle-to-vehicle relaying

    Energy-efficient Wi-Fi Gateways for Federated Residential Networks

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    Persistent Localized Broadcasting in VANETs

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    We present a communication protocol, called LINGER, for persistent dissemination of delay-tolerant information to vehicular users, within a geographical area of interest. The goal of LINGER is to dispatch and confine information in localized areas of a mobile network with minimal protocol overhead and without requiring knowledge of the vehicles' routes or destinations. LINGER does not require roadside infrastructure support: it selects mobile nodes in a distributed, cooperative way and lets them act as "information bearers", providing uninterrupted information availability within a desired region. We analyze the performance of our dissemination mechanism through extensive simulations, in complex vehicular scenarios with realistic node mobility. The results demonstrate that LINGER represents a viable, appealing alternative to infrastructure-based solutions, as it can successfully drive the information toward a region of interest from a far away source and keep it local with negligible overhead. We show the effectiveness of such an approach in the support of localized broadcasting, in terms of both percentage of informed vehicles and information delivery delay, and we compare its performance to that of a dedicated, state-of-the-art protoco

    Solvable model of a self-gravitating system

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    We introduce and discuss an effective model of a self-gravitating system whose equilibrium thermodynamics can be solved in both the microcanonical and the canonical ensemble, up to a maximization with respect to a single variable. Such a model can be derived from a model of self-gravitating particles confined on a ring, referred to as the self-gravitating ring (SGR) model, allowing a quantitative comparison between the thermodynamics of the two models. Despite the rather crude approximations involved in its derivation, the effective model compares quite well with the SGR model. Moreover, we discuss the relation between the effective model presented here and another model introduced by Thirring forty years ago. The two models are very similar and can be considered as examples of a class of minimal models of self-gravitating systems.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures; submitted to JSTAT for the special issue on long-range interaction

    Geometric Approach to Lyapunov Analysis in Hamiltonian Dynamics

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    As is widely recognized in Lyapunov analysis, linearized Hamilton's equations of motion have two marginal directions for which the Lyapunov exponents vanish. Those directions are the tangent one to a Hamiltonian flow and the gradient one of the Hamiltonian function. To separate out these two directions and to apply Lyapunov analysis effectively in directions for which Lyapunov exponents are not trivial, a geometric method is proposed for natural Hamiltonian systems, in particular. In this geometric method, Hamiltonian flows of a natural Hamiltonian system are regarded as geodesic flows on the cotangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold with a suitable metric. Stability/instability of the geodesic flows is then analyzed by linearized equations of motion which are related to the Jacobi equations on the Riemannian manifold. On some geometric setting on the cotangent bundle, it is shown that along a geodesic flow in question, there exist Lyapunov vectors such that two of them are in the two marginal directions and the others orthogonal to the marginal directions. It is also pointed out that Lyapunov vectors with such properties can not be obtained in general by the usual method which uses linearized Hamilton's equations of motion. Furthermore, it is observed from numerical calculation for a model system that Lyapunov exponents calculated in both methods, geometric and usual, coincide with each other, independently of the choice of the methods.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, REVTeX

    Phase transitions as topology changes in configuration space: an exact result

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    The phase transition in the mean-field XY model is shown analytically to be related to a topological change in its configuration space. Such a topology change is completely described by means of Morse theory allowing a computation of the Euler characteristic--of suitable submanifolds of configuration space--which shows a sharp discontinuity at the phase transition point, also at finite N. The present analytic result provides, with previous work, a new key to a possible connection of topological changes in configuration space as the origin of phase transitions in a variety of systems.Comment: REVTeX file, 5 pages, 1 PostScript figur

    Towards D2D-Enhanced Heterogeneous Networks

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    In this paper, we examine upcoming 5G networks where the support of device-to-device (D2D) communication is expected to be a key asset for operators and users alike. Firstly, we argue the need to functionally integrate D2D and infrastructure-to-device (I2D) modes. Next, we address practical issues such as integrated resource scheduling of D2D communication within heterogeneous networks, proposing an extension of the proportional fairness algorithm, which we call multi-modal proportional fairness (MMPF). We evaluate the impact of D2D in a two-tier scenario combining macro- and micro- coverage, finding that, although I2D retains a clear edge for general-purpose downloading, D2D is an appealing solution for localized transfers as well as for viral content

    Geometric dynamical observables in rare gas crystals

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    We present a detailed description of how a differential geometric approach to Hamiltonian dynamics can be used for determining the existence of a crossover between different dynamical regimes in a realistic system, a model of a rare gas solid. Such a geometric approach allows to locate the energy threshold between weakly and strongly chaotic regimes, and to estimate the largest Lyapunov exponent. We show how standard mehods of classical statistical mechanics, i.e. Monte Carlo simulations, can be used for our computational purposes. Finally we consider a Lennard Jones crystal modeling solid Xenon. The value of the energy threshold turns out to be in excellent agreement with the numerical estimate based on the crossover between slow and fast relaxation to equilibrium obtained in a previous work by molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: RevTeX, 19 pages, 6 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A-VIP: Anonymous Verification and Inference of Positions in Vehicular Networks

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    MiniconferenceInternational audienceKnowledge of the location of vehicles and tracking of the routes they follow are a requirement for a number of applications, including e-tolling and liability attribution in case of accidents. However, public disclosure of the identity and position of drivers jeopardizes user privacy, and securing the tracking through asymmetric cryptography may have an exceedingly high computational cost. Additionally, there is currently no way an authority can verify the correctness of the position information provided by a potentially misbehaving car. In this paper, we address all of the issues above by introducing A-VIP, a lightweight framework for privacy preserving and tracking of vehicles. A-VIP leverages anonymous position beacons from vehicles, and the cooperation of nearby cars collecting and reporting the beacons they hear. Such information allows an authority to verify the locations announced by vehicles, or to infer the actual ones if needed. We assess the effectiveness of A-VIP through both realistic simulation and testbed implementation results, analyzing also its resilience to adversarial attacks

    Cooperative Energy-efficient Management of Federated WiFi Networks

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    The proliferation of overlapping, always-on IEEE 802.11 access points (APs) in urban areas, can cause inefficient bandwidth usage and energy waste. Cooperation among APs could address these problems by allowing underused devices to hand over their wireless stations to nearby APs and temporarily switch off, while avoiding to overload a BSS and thus offloading congested APs. The federated house model provides an appealing backdrop to implement cooperation among APs. In this paper, we outline a distributed framework that assumes the presence of a multipurpose gateway with AP capabilities in every household. Our framework allows cooperation through the monitoring of local wireless resources and the triggering of offloading requests toward other federated gateways. Our simulation results show that, in realistic residential settings, the proposed framework yields an energy saving between 45 and 86 percent under typical usage patterns, while avoiding congestion and meeting user expectations in terms of throughput. Furthermore, we show the feasibility and the benefits of our framework with a real test-bed deployed on commodity hardware